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Vision Floors & More Services

Our Services 

Your home has much more to it than just floors, and that is why we offer additional in-home services for our customers like you. Vision Floors Carpet One Floor & Home does more than just sell flooring; we also help you bring your dream home to life. From professional design assistance to flooring we can help you with just about any home project. As a member of the Carpet One cooperative we are both your local retailer and community business. Come stop by our showroom to see our floors and get your next project started.



Commercial Flooring Installations

Commercial Flooring Installations


No project is too big or small for us. We cater to both residential and commercial flooring, so whether you are flooring a bedroom or office, we have you covered.



Commercial Flooring

Kitchen Design Services


We offer specialized kitchen design services. We can help you create your dream kitchen from the floor up with our specialized home products.




Kitchen Designs

Kitchen Design Services
 Granite Countertops

Granite Countertops


Countertops are essential for any kitchen or bathroom. Make your space look beautiful with natural stone countertops such as granite.



Learn About Available Countertops


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Thank you for contacting Carpet One Floor & Home. Your local flooring expert will reach out to you regarding your inquiry.